Chiropractic Blog
ChiroUp’s weekly chiropractic blog contains clinical information needed to stay up-to-date on the latest chiropractic research.
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Assessing ACL Injuries with the Lever Sign
Use the chiropractic test the lever sign to manage and assess ACL injuries.
Top Clinical Pearls For Radicular Arm Pain
Patients often associate pain with muscle, tendon, or ligament injury. However, irritated nerves may also become the primary source of pain. Tensile stretch or compression of nerves often results in symptoms. Unfortunately, radiculopathies are often the most difficult diagnoses to treat. Without quick symptomatic relief, patient compliance diminishes. Today’s blog will cover the diagnosis and treatment for the most common upper limb radicular symptoms you may encounter in practice.
Chiropractic Treatment for the Most Common Cause of Vertigo
A single intervention with the Epley maneuver leads to remission in 44-89% of cases, and this rate improves with second, third, or fourth interventions. Used in combination with at-home rehab like the Foster Half-Somersault, your office can be the place to go in your community for dizziness. Today's blog will outline a simple recipe for these often-frustrating patents.
7 Restless Leg Syndrome Facts Every Chiropractor Should Know
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a chronic neurologic disorder characterized by an irresistible and uncomfortable need for movement. The condition carries debilitating potential from lack of sleep and the subsequent negative impact on quality of life. Read this blog to learn more about the chiropractic and treatment of restless leg syndrome.
4 Tips for Lateral Elbow Pain
In this blog you will learn these 4 things:✔ The value of spending time to make the correct diagnosis✔ Activity modifications that speed healing✔ When it’s time to consider alternative diagnoses✔ Why conservative care is your patient’s best option
Cervicogenic Vertigo: 7 Questions You Should Know The Answer To
Patients with Meniere’s Disease, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, and Cervicogenic dizziness have similar neck pain/tightness, asymmetry of the shoulder, and headaches. These three seemingly different diagnoses may be a spectrum of the same disease with underlying myofascial problems. In this blog, you’ll learn how to discern between diagnoses affecting the balance of your patients quickly.
3 Facts About Lumbar Discs That Can Impact Your Outcomes
Research from the Global Spine Journal has shown that more than 97% of lumbar disc lesions will respond to conservative care. This week’s blog shares three little-known facts about the disc nucleus and disc lesions that can impact your understanding and outcomes.
Lumbar Traction Infographic For Your Patients
Lumbar traction helps manage radicular pain resulting from disc lesions, degeneration, or stenosis. Read this chiropractic blog to see what types of patients benefit from this technique.
7 New Skills for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Read this blog for 7 skills on the chiropractic treatment and management of carpal tunnel syndrome in your patients.
What is the Dix Hallpike Maneuver (DHM)?
Using the Dix-Hallpike Maneuver to test for BPPV.
3 Referral-Boosting Infographics
ChiroUp exists to empower evidence-based chiropractors. Educating providers and their patients is our mission and our passion. So, in the past several months, we’ve created dozens of valuable infographics to help spread the word about chiropractic care. We hope that you’ll download and enjoy three of our most popular pieces.
Can Someone With Short-Term Memory Loss Have Chronic Pain?
One of the most crucial things evidence-based chiropractors understand better than most is the connection between acute pain and chronic pain. Yes, chiropractors alleviate pain associated with specific tissue injury. However, many patient presentations encompass years of underlying chronic stressors, both physiologic and psychologic, leading to their current complaint. Solving these complex pain presentations is challenging; yet, rewarding for both the provider and patient.
Differentiating Plantar Fasciitis from the Imposters
If a patient presents with plantar heel pain that surges when they step out of bed in the morning or start to walk, most evidence-based chiropractors think plantar fasciitis. But what if that’s not the diagnosis. There are several frequently overlooked possibilities in the differential diagnosis.
Top Strategy To Boost MD Referrals Immediately
Fact 1: In 2017, the American College of Physicians Clinical Practice Guideline for LBP advised PCPs to recommend what you and I offer (spinal manipulation, heat, massage, acupuncture). (1)Fact 2: For the past three years, the majority of PCP’s have ignored those recommendations. (2)Check out this week’s video blog to learn a straightforward strategy that can dramatically increase your PCP referrals with minimal effort.
Chiropractic Treatment: Headaches, Migraines, and Vertigo
Cervicogenic Headaches, Migraines, and Vertigo respond to spinal manipulation and SNAG mobilizations. How do you incorporate these two treatment methods for every patient who needs them? At the end of the blog, download my go-to condition report for every patient with Cervicogenic Vertigo in my office!
Two Hip Pain Mistakes All Chiropractors Must Avoid
“Gluteal tendinopathy is one of the most common lower limb tendinopathies presenting to general practice, affecting approximately 10%–25% of the population.” - BMJ Open April 2021. A recent BMJ study (59) compared three different gluteal tendinopathy management strategies to define clinical outcomes for each.
Insane Facts About Low Back Pain
There is a knowledge gap between the abundance of research versus patient beliefs concerning low back pain (LBP). Our profession is in a unique position within healthcare to solve this problem—one patient at a time. Evidence-based chiropractors are the conduit to spread credible information about MSK diagnoses to help patients change their longstanding beliefs. Your practice and profession benefit from reversing the myths commonly associated with LBP.
Top 4 Hacks for Attracting More New Patients
Did you know that less than one in five practicing chiropractors have an effective plan for this question? Unfortunately, that leaves the remaining contingent of DC’s struggling to solve this challenge. This week’s blog details our top four strategies for attracting and keeping new patients. Check it out for potent samples and straightforward implementation steps to help fill your schedule now!
Sciatica, or not? An improved SLR answers the question
A 34-year-old female patient presents to your office with a dull achy sensation in her buttock and thigh. Symptom severity and frequency have progressively increased over the last month. She has seen other chiropractors. Unfortunately, they have been unsuccessful with spinal manipulation as their primary treatment. Her buttock and thigh pain is worse with sitting; however, walking alleviates symptoms quickly. There are no red flags. Orthopedic evaluation reveals a positive SLR at 70 degrees.In our latest blog, we will enhance the traditional SLR test with a new twist to differentiate the etiology of this patient's symptoms more accurately. Do you want to learn a valuable new orthopedic examination today?
Chiropractors: 10 Things to Know About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic floor dysfunction significantly impacts the quality of life in up to 1 in 4 women. Problems range from stress incontinence to inadequate core stability and chronic back pain. Unfortunately, many chiropractors have a limited skillset for this ubiquitous problem. ChiroUp’s newest protocol summarizes the current best-practice management for this condition, including expert advice from more than a dozen providers who treat and teach pelvic floor dysfunction.