Chiropractic Blog
ChiroUp’s weekly chiropractic blog contains clinical information needed to stay up-to-date on the latest chiropractic research.
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20 Tips for Enhancing Patient Satisfaction Today
Healthcare is changing, and providers can soon expect to be paid based upon their performance… but more than merely clinical performance. The fee-for-outcomes reimbursement model requires that providers deliver three key metrics: timely clinical outcomes, cost-effective management, and high patient satisfaction.
Chiropractic Management of Spinal Curves
Scientific knowledge changes with newly published research. What we know today may not be entirely true in the years to come. Chiropractors today are asked the same questions they encountered 50 years ago. However, have the answers changed? In today's blog, let's look at three commonly asked questions, and see how the answers have changed (or not changed) over the past 50 years.
7 Tips for Solving Unresponsive Problems
While the majority of musculoskeletal cases respond quickly and favorably to conservative care, some conditions are less cooperative. In a value-based healthcare model, there’s a vast difference between merely treating someone vs. delivering best practices. The essential step for improving clinical outcomes is to provide the most effective care for every patient on every visit- including those cases that challenge us.
7 Things You Must Know About Chronic Shoulder Pain
Shoulder problems are often multifactorial and difficult to treat. Acute shoulder pain frequently morphs into chronic shoulder pain from a failure to identify what is generating the problem, and a lack of understanding about why that tissue is it not healing. Independent of the anatomical origin, here are the seven top recommendations for successfully managing shoulder pain!
Head-To-Toe Chiropractic Research Update - September 2019
ChiroUp’s data collection team has harvested several research gems this month. Check out the top 14 quotes that you can use to positively impact your management and outcomes.
Imaging Guidelines for Acute Trauma
The neck, knee, and ankle are the most common sites for acute athletic injury. Performing a detailed history and physical exam narrows the differential diagnosis. The use of clinical prediction rules and diagnostic clusters further illuminate the most probable diagnoses. However, when orthopedic tests are inconclusive, the history is not clear, the mechanism of injury doesn't add up, or there are red flags— we must consider imaging to gather additional information.
Antibiotics Double the Risk Of CAD
Musculoskeletal providers are painfully aware of how antibiotics endanger connective tissues; including a nearly four-fold risk of tendonitis and tendinopathy. (2) Now, researchers have established a new and more threatening link to cervical arterial dissection (CAD). Check out the new findings, and review the essential question that you need to ask your patients before treatment.
Top Tips for Treating Sciatica
Symptom reduction depends on many variables; however, joint mobilization and nerve flossing are generally beneficial for the treatment of sciatica. This blog will review these skills and discuss a proven new technique that combines both. This procedure is called Spinal Mobilization with Leg Movement (SMWLM).
Running From Arthritis?
The good news is that running-related injuries are often preventable. Check out this blog/video that will arm you with the knowledge to help your runners recover and stay injury free. As a bonus, you can download our new running infographic to share with your patients and social media followers.
Impact of Age on Elbow Injuries
Proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment will vary based on your understanding of tissue maturation, and more specifically, growth plates. Understanding tissue injury based upon age will make you more efficient in practice and improve your clinical effectiveness. Watch this quick three-minute video about how pitching impacts the elbow differently, depending upon the patient’s age.
Top 10 Head-to-Toe Research Quotes
This month’s research roundup is going head-to-toe! Check out what ChiroUp’s research team has pulled from the most up-to-date literature that impacts our profession & standard of care.
Stop Following Business “Gurus” from the Seat of Their Car
Each one of us needs to stop imitating other people, systems, and funnels - and start creating OUR practice. While learning evidence-based skills and techniques from others is essential; ultimately, there should only be one guru directing your care in the treatment room: research.
The Top 10 Most Impactful SMT Studies in the Past Year
The ChiroUp research team has collected & summarized the most influential chiropractic-related research studies from the past year. Check out what the medical literature is saying about our profession’s safety and clinical effectiveness.
Fall Prevention: Assessment and Management of Elderly Patients
Whether you want to hear it or not—your senior patients fall. These events are significant YET preventable. Elderly falls account for millions of injuries; resulting in loss of independence and reduced quality of life. Aging is associated with declines in physical capabilities, activities of daily living, and maintaining proper postural control. Fortunately, evidence-based chiropractors are uniquely suited to help this population.
4 Tools for Pregnancy-Related LBP
A new study from Anesthesia: Essays & Research concluded that up to 80% of pregnant women suffer from low back pain. Of those, one in three lost sleep and nearly twice as many limited their physical activity due to pain. (1) To make matters worse, a history of lower back pain doubles the risk of developing pregnancy-related low back pain. Fortunately, almost 75% of women undergoing chiropractic management report significant pain reduction and clinically significant improvements in disability. (2,3) Check out the following synopsis of four evidence-based tools to help manage pregnancy-related LBP.
What You Need to Know About TOS
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a common diagnosis for evidence-based chiropractors. The condition is characterized by upper extremity pain and paresthesia secondary to occlusion, compression, injury, or irritation to the neurovascular structures traversing the thoracic outlet.
May Research Roundup
The research is out! Our ChiroUp data collection team reviewed more than a thousand abstracts last month to mine out the essential, best practices that will impact your practice today.
2 Simple Tips for Treating Shoulder Pain
Today, Dr. Steele will discuss the shoulder dysfunction continuum as it relates to loss of inferior glide and weakness in the rotator cuff. He will also explain how a failure to address these components will lead to ongoing complaints.
Insider Knowledge: Four Reasons Why MDs Won’t Refer
We wanted to know why, so we asked more than a dozen primary care MD’s why they or their peers would be reluctant to refer to a chiropractor. Their candid replies allowed us to assemble this list of the top four factors that chiropractors MUST address in order to successfully attract medical referrals.
Running into Good Form
Years of research and decades of experience in treating runners yields one conclusion: FORM MATTERS. There is one simple gait-retraining cue used by specialists to help avoid running injuries. This cue will alleviate symptoms and return runners to their sport quickly. What is the prompt? Watch this video from Dr. Steele to understand what it is and how to incorporate this strategy into your treatments on Monday.