20 Tips for Enhancing Patient Satisfaction Today

Healthcare is changing, and providers can soon expect to be paid based upon their performance… but more than merely clinical performance. The fee-for-outcomes reimbursement model requires that providers deliver three key metrics:

Fee-for-outcomes Reimbursement

  1. Timely clinical outcomes

  2. Cost-effective management

  3. High patient satisfaction


Hopefully, the video will provide you with some useful information. But how do you implement those tools in practice? Well… we have a solution.

ChiroUp is releasing a powerful new tool that will move the needle on your clinical, marketing, and business success. We’re excited to introduce Boost, an innovative website feature that provides simple step-by-step checklists of proven actions to grow each of your dashboard metrics. Every interactive Boost worksheet includes detailed plans, videos, samples, forms, and scripts to enhance your success.

In all, there are nine unique Boost checklists that will help you improve not only your patient satisfaction but also your likelihood to refer, clinical outcomes, MD referrals, Google reviews, Facebook engagement, reimbursement, and more. Subscribers can expect to see the new Boost functionality on their dashboard later this week.

While developing content for our Boost pages, we came upon this earlier story from Dr. Bertelsman that highlights the power of creating raving fans. We hope you’ll enjoy this reprint.

Jury Duty Surprise

I walked up my driveway two weeks ago, perusing the letters retrieved from my mailbox, and there it is… worse than the summer electric bill, worse than the invite to cousin Gertrude’s 81st birthday party on Independence Day weekend, no…it's the dreaded summons from the county jury selection committee. 

My first instinct is to find a way to escape this task. I remember an instructor who often said, “Remember… court decisions are made by people who were too stupid to get out of jury duty”.  Various schemes quickly cross my mind ranging from a doctor’s excuse to purchasing last-minute, non-refundable tickets to the “People for the Ethical Treatment of Dragons” convention (real group). 

After throwing a tantrum that would make any 2-year-old proud, I eventually decided that I would not shun my civic duty; instead, I would take my lumps and even try to feel good(ish) about my sacrifice. Plus, after calling the courthouse, I learned that there’s a real chance my juror number won’t even be selected as apparently “very few cases” are tried the week after a holiday-BONUS! All I need to do is call the juror hotline after 4:30 pm on the Friday before my assigned week to find out…Oh, S&%!- my juror number was chosen. I’m one of the privileged few who must report...

So, on Monday morning, I start seeing patients at 7 am and cut out an hour later to arrive at the courthouse by 8:30- I’m REALLY rethinking that doctor’s note now. I’m sitting in a room with 150 other county residents, most of whom fall substantially short of my former instructor's cut-off criteria. Luckily there are only three trials this week, and unless I hear “Juror number 30”, I’m free… Oh, double S&%!- I’m chosen again and moving to the courtroom with 35 other disgruntled cell mates...

I was a little surprised to walk into a courtroom filled with all the participants ready and waiting for their new judgmental friends. The Magistrate begins by explaining the case, including the disturbing estimate that this personal injury trial may last 1-2 weeks... If someone had offered me a vial of diphtheria, I would have downed it quicker than a frat boy with a cheap shot of tequila.

I spent the next 2 ½ hours sulking while listening to the Judge ask countless questions about any circumstances that might bias our opinion. i.e., have any of you ever worked for this company, does anyone currently have pending litigation, and does anyone need the suicide hotline number yet?

Following generous 90-minute lunch parole, all of the juror candidates were herded back into the courtroom to answer more screening questions- this time from the attorneys. The plaintiff’s attorney, Mr. Jones (name changed so that I don’t get invited back to see a court case from a different perspective), started the show and basically won the case before the trial even started. 

He was well-dressed but not overdressed. His shoes were polished, and his suit was crisp. He established excellent eye contact and brandished an honest, sincere smile. He outclassed his schlubby rivals before a word was spoken.  

He began by asking if anyone had experienced prior health issues: did anyone ever suffer a shoulder injury…tell me about that… does it still hurt…does it prevent you from enjoying anything…etc. What about concussions? Is anyone allergic to medication? His questioning was masterful, and he clearly understood the relevant conditions better than many providers; he knew when to dig deeper for a pearl that would show his future jury a real-life example of how these “mild” conditions can affect the quality of life, long-term. His questions lasted about an hour, and possibly most impressively, he had memorized the names of all 36 jury candidates and addressed each of us personally- that’s a WOW moment for 36 newfound advocates. 

Break’s over…time to find out if I’ve been selected for a two-week unpaid vacation in Sheol. The judge calls each chosen juror by number, and although I’m a little light-headed, I don’t hear anything that resembles the number 30… YES! I’m free at last. My visit to the dysfunctional daycare is over, and I don’t need to stay for bedtime stories. I head back to the office and see the last patients of the day. I’ve never been so happy to work late.

So, here’s my take-home point: In addition to being grateful for your ability to work hard (and listening to your teachers) the real lesson comes from the plaintiff’s attorney who was respectful, prepared and knew how to listen.

 He established a significant advantage based on competence and concern, punctuated with “wow” moments.  As chiropractors, we must seek to create a similar environment with our new patients.

removed the "dudden know" -- people might get offended that you're mocking their dialect. Really want to be safe rather than sorry.

Putting the WOW in practice

Creating that “WOW” moment for your patients is what ChiroUp is all about. Our condition/exercise reports are a sure-fire way to impress your patients with everything they need to know about their condition: lay description, in-office treatment, advice on daily living, goals, & exercises -- all personalized to their specific condition.

And not only do we focus on the delivery, but your account will also track patient compliance & satisfaction levels. Does your current system do that? 

Get started with a free 14-day trial, and build a report today to experience a “WOW” moment for yourself :)

Tim Bertelsman

Dr. Tim Bertelsman is the co-founder of ChiroUp. He graduated with honors from Logan College of Chiropractic and has been practicing in Belleville, IL since 1992. He has lectured nationally on various clinical and business topics and has been published extensively. Dr. Bertelsman has served in several leadership positions and is the former president of the Illinois Chiropractic Society. He also received ICS Chiropractor of the Year in 2019.


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