Chiropractic Blog
ChiroUp’s weekly chiropractic blog contains clinical information needed to stay up-to-date on the latest chiropractic research.
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Injections for Pain Relief: Pros vs. Cons
Injections for pain relief are growing in popularity. Traditionally, corticosteroid injections are used to alleviate symptoms. However, research has highlighted ongoing concerns about the use of corticosteroids increasing the rate of future joint degeneration. Some contemporary studies promote a new class of regenerative injections that have a much different effect—to stimulate inflammation. There is also new data showing that injections using placebo (saline) may provide equivocal results. In this blog, we will dive deeper into non-spinal injections, and possibly add another alternative to your toolbox.
Chiropractic SMT & Stroke Revisited...Again
Last month, like many other months, the medical community was mal-educated by a published case study regarding the threat of CAD following SMT. Cureus:…cases of spontaneous dissection of the vertebral artery do have a history of trivial or minor injury involving some degree of cervical distortion such as chiropractic neck manipulation, as the extreme hyperextension and/or rotation of the neck may create areas of stretch and lead to intimal or adventitial tears in the vertebral artery causing dissection. It is a relatively rare, potentially disabling and sometimes an under-diagnosed cause of stroke. It accounts for 2% of all ischemic strokes …This report demonstrates the potential hazards associated with neck trauma, including chiropractic manipulation, as it is under reported…” (Almuaigel et al.)Chiropractors armed with quality data can refute these inaccurate associations. Check out this blog, video, and new infographics for our compelling reply to this author’s opinion, including the current facts about the safety of SMT. Plus, three practical tools that you can employ today to change attitudes tomorrow.
Chiropractic: 5 Reasons Why It Is The Undeniable Best Choice
Chiropractic is a profession, not a treatment.As a profession, chiropractors are trained healthcare professionals with unique expertise in managing several common health conditions. Many chiropractors utilize procedures, including joint manipulation, therapy modalities, patient education, nutrition, and rehabilitation exercises, to address each patient’s unique presentation.As chronic pain continues to rise within the US healthcare system, chiropractors utilize proven methods to reduce pain and disability without medications and surgery.Here are five reasons people may choose to visit a chiropractor:
Levator Scapula Tightness: 2 Tools To Use In Practice
Mechanical neck pain is the second most common presentation in chiropractic offices worldwide. (1) Tightness in the levator scapula is a predictable finding in the majority of those cases. A new randomized clinical trial examined the efficacy of two proven therapies and concluded:“Application of both kinesiology tape and postural control exercise combined can significantly reduce neck pain and normalize levator scapula activities in patients with mechanical neck dysfunction more than the application of either intervention.” (2)Want to see that in action? We’ve got you covered. While we couldn’t track down a demonstration from the authors, we did find a widely-recognized expert on these two techniques.Check out this week’s Vlog to watch Dr. Todd Riddle, director of education for FAKTR and SE Sports seminars, demonstrate his practical application of cervical taping and exercise.
3 Concepts To Accelerate Shoulder Rehabilitation (Video)
ChiroUp’s earlier blog introduced a new test for the rotator cuff called the DIME test. The most common follow-up questions pertained to the rehab of a shoulder after a diagnosed rotator cuff tear. Successful rehabilitation of shoulder tendinopathy requires three concepts.1. Mirror rehab2. Create scapular stability3. Increase the capacity of the shoulder girdle musculature.Check out this week’s video blog to learn how to incorporate these concepts in your practice.
7 Steps to Improve Exercise Compliance
Have you been doing your home exercises?That routine question yields various amusing responses, most of which could be summed up with a simple “no.”Somewhere between 1/3 and 2/3 of all home exercise recommendations are not implemented by patients. (1-4) Many well-developed plans end up sitting in a drawer because the patient did not understand the importance of rehab or was not sufficiently motivated. Here are seven proven ways to improve patient adherence to your exercise prescription.
NEW Shoulder Exam: D.I.M.E.
There is one orthopedic test you must add to your physical exam this month. It's called the Dynamic Isokinetic Manipulation Evaluation (DIME) of the shoulder.Today's blog will cover how to perform the test, how the DIME can be a valuable addition to your shoulder exam, and provide direction into how evidence-based chiropractors are using this test to confidently rule out the need for an MRI or surgical referral.
Chiropractic Excellence: How To Create Life-Long Patients
This blog will detail three proven concepts to generate life-long promoters of your chiropractic practice.
Cervicogenic Headache: Lasting Benefits of MSK Care
This week’s blog and video will detail three tools that evidence-based chiropractors can employ, in addition to SMT, to provide lasting benefit for cervicogenic headache patients.
Raising The Bar | Guest Blog with Dr. Jay Greenstein
ChiroUp recently connected with one of our profession’s most recognized leaders, Dr. Jay Greenstein. Jay’s experience in evidence-based practice is lengthy, including being the Chairman of the Clinical Compass (CCGPP) and running a large system of successful practices near Washington DC. In this week’s blog, we wanted to give our community the opportunity to hear what Jay has to say about leadership and scaling a successful practice.
6 Solutions For Peripheral Pain
Chronic pain is an outward manifestation of inner adaptations to pain processing. The brain is responsible for pain perception and remembering pain patterns. However, in addition to the brain, the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and peripheral tissue can also LEARN to be in pain.Learning is a physiologic process and not an intellectual feat, and it doesn’t happen only in the brain. Each site adapts physiologically in response to constant stimulation. Today’s blog will highlight six evidence-based treatment concepts to help stop peripheral nociception- the instigator of chronic pain.
June Research Update
This blog covers 12 practical research studies from the past few weeks. We reviewed hundreds and highlighted only those papers that can enrich our practice. We changed up this week’s blog to include both the research, as well as the associated ChiroUp resource.
Painful Memories
Today's blog will explore how the most successful clinics consistently create positive experiences. There are four intangible assets that patient-centered physicians use to scale their practice. The process has very little to do with the individual practitioner's clinical skill; but everything to do with how the patient feels during their visit. The most successful chiropractic practices don't just solve problems; they create memorable experiences. Here is how.
Maigne Syndrome: The #1 Overlooked LBP Diagnosis?
Maigne syndrome typically results from irritation of a thoracolumbar dorsal ramus. (3) Facet joint dysfunction, degeneration, and instability are common culprits. Maigne syndrome is particularly elusive because the anatomical site of origin is often asymptomatic. (3)This blog will cover the essentials of management, including a 5-minute video tutorial detailing the top assessments, treatments, and exercises, plus our top 10 clinical pearls.
Vertebral Fractures: New Chiropractic Test
This blog will review exactly how to perform this and other useful tests for identifying vertebral fractures.
Chronic Pain Neuroscience
This blog includes three valuable patient education tools that you can download, plus a video interview with Dr. Anthony Nicholson - a practicing chiropractic clinician and leading expert on chronic pain neuroscience.
The Importance of Chiropractic Communication with Medical Doctors
Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Brad Russell from Birmingham, Alabama. His clinic regularly prescribes the MOST initial and release reports within ChiroUp as compared to the rest of our network. In this entertaining interview, I learned several tips that I will incorporate in my practice. I hope you will find it as informative as I did.
Patient Reactivation: 5 Steps for a Successful Campaign
Check it out as we cover the essentials of effective patient recall and patient re-activation programs, including an interview outlining the specific steps to make that happen, along with a customizable template for your reactivation message.Reaching out to existing patients requires much less work than obtaining new patients- because these patients have already seen you and know your good work.
Separating Facts from Opinions
Today's blog will interview a highly respected source of information--Dr. Marc Bronson from the Evidence-Based Chiropractic Facebook group. We’ll break down Dr. Bronson’s standard for credible evidence, and then explain how ChiroUp utilizes similar peer-reviewed literature sources and automatically delivers content to you and your patients.
Chin Up
I have had a lot of time to think during the COVID crisis. Who hasn’t? As I was pondering the effects of the shelter-in-place mitigation policies, I began to take inventory of what is important to me and to what entities I belong. Professionally as a chiropractic physician, I feel confident I chose the right profession for me. To be honest, I didn’t always feel that way.