The Best Chiropractic Content of 2022

Another year of excellent chiropractic content is coming to an end! Are you wondering what your peers were more interested in 2022? Well, we’ve compiled a list of our top blogs, webinars, podcasts, and more for you to check out. 

Top Chiropractic Blogs

More than 20,000 DCs read our blogs this year. These were their favorites:

2 Exercises to End Iliotibial Band Syndrome

7 Notalgia Paresthetica Facts Every DC Must Own

4 Simple Nerve Flossing Exercises to Help Resolve Back & Leg Pain

Top Chiropractic Clinical Webinars

Our clinical webinars are a great way to learn about specific topics in less than 60 minutes. This year we made all of our webinars available on-demand so you can go back and watch at your convenience. 

Check out our top 3 webinars of the year:

LBP Masterclass: Managing Lumbar Disc Lesions and Degeneration

With Dr. Tim Bertelsman

Cervical Manipulation & Stroke

With special guests Dr. James Demetrius & Dr. Tom Michaud

5 Innovative Strategies for Building an Exceptional Practice with ChiroUp

With Dr. Tim Bertelsman

Mic’d Up with ChiroUp: A Chiropractic Podcast

Our docs jumped on board and launched the official ChiroUp Podcast. Lots of excellent chiropractic content, research & dad jokes in a new format for you to listen on-the-go.

Game-Changing Chiropractic Infographics

Throughout the year, we released a dozen patient infographics and other resources for subscribers to use in their practice! These were their favorites:

Chiropractic: The Natural Solution

Scoliosis Screening

ProTip: ChiroUp subscribers can access these infographics and many more by using the search bar in the forms library.

Not a subscriber? Sign up today to access ChiroUp’s entire online resource of patient resources (including these infographics!)

Chiropractic Software Wins

ChiroUp is not just chiropractic content. ChiroUp is an invaluable tool that simplifies the way chiropractors diagnose, prescribe, and market outcomes within one online, evidence-based software. Our subscribers are changing the face of chiropractic care one patient at a time. 

The ChiroUp platform continues to evolve based on our subscribers’ recommendations. These are some of the top enhancements of the year:

New Look for Your Patient App: Your patient app,, got a new look! It’s clean, sleek, and easy to use.

Merging Duplicate Patient Records for EXISTING patients: Keep your patient database clean in ChiroUp with automatic duplication recognition.

Sending Interim Progress Reports: Communicate your patient's progress to their healthcare provider with Interim reports!


We all benefit when chiropractors invest in the right content. Thank you for subscribing to our blog, and an even bigger thank you to the 2,000+ chiropractors who leverage ChiroUp’s platform - your support allows us to keep doing what we love in 2023 and beyond: to elevate & unite chiropractors.

Not a ChiroUp subscriber yet? Join ChiroUp and set yourself up for a great 2023.


Top Chiropractic Research from 2022


Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo - BPPV