Spinal Curvature & Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)

Are you curious about the intriguing world of spinal curves and degenerative joint disease (DJD)? Tim and Brandon are ready to share their valuable insights, offering not just opinions, but also essential facts that every chiropractor and patient should know. They’ll address those nagging questions that you encounter frequently:

  • Does spinal hyper/hypo lordosis or kyphosis truly matter?

  • Does DJD play a significant role in your treatment decisions?

  • Can you effectively treat arthritis with manipulation?

Brace yourself for the revelation that these matters indeed matter, but perhaps not in the ways you initially thought.


Deciphering Cervical Radiculopathy: A Chiropractic Perspective


The Shoulder & Chiropractic Care: What's True and What's Not